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Clinician Spotlight: Dr. Adina Goodman

Continuing our ongoing series 'Clinician Spotlight,' we learn more about all the amazing clinicians here at Newton Neuropsychology Group. In this installment, we sit with Dr. Adina Goodman to learn more about her!

Headshot of Dr. Adina Goodman

What initially drew you to this field, and what do you love most about it?

I love working with children and adolescents. I was a teacher before I went to grad school, and through teaching, I honed in on my interest in kids' social-emotional development. 

Also, I like understanding kids' unique patterns of strengths and weaknesses. Through testing, I love using objective data to validate what parents, teachers, and children see in themselves. 

Also, through this work, I get to see such a variety of ages and diagnostic presentations within a relatively short period of time.

What has been your favorite thing about Newton Neuropsychology Group?

My favorite thing about Newton Neuropsychology Group is all of the people. Everyone who works here is just so nice, and the clients we work with are great, too. I have also loved working with other professionals in the community. We get referrals from therapists, schools, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and more - I love when I find I’m getting patients from the same collateral referrals because of the community we’re drawing in. It’s also been really cool to watch the practice grow and see it become more and more known in the area. 

What do you hope clients can gain from working with you as a clinician?

I hope they can feel validation, clarity, and a path forward. I always end my feedback with some action items so they know exactly what steps to take next. Clients may feel flooded with so much information,  and I like them to understand why certain things are occurring and what next steps they can take. 

I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding of what a neuropsych evaluation really is and the benefits that families can get from it. Especially for kids, there can be some confusion around how it fits into the rest of their services. I hope my clients can gain some clarity into how my evaluation fits into services they may already have,  or what types of supports it may get them. I hope my clients gain a better understanding of the utility of this service.

Outside of work, what brings you the most joy?

Being outside, skiing, hiking, camping, being with my dog and my husband. I do a lot of reading for fun, especially fiction. I also recently got my dog certified to be a therapy dog! I love volunteering with her in hospitals, senior living facilities, and libraries. 


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